I’m back from SF, participating and speaking at MAX US 2008 was really exciting. Our project (fna) caught the attention of quite a few Java architects and developers, who gave us feedbacks, ideas, enhancements, bug reports, who blogged about it, who contributed some code. Thanks a lot guys! It gave us the will to keep on building up this open source project.

I’ll blog more about it and the rest of session I went to, when I’m back from MAX Europe, I’ll indeed be speaking again in Milan:

  • I’ll replay the ``Flex for Java Architects Lab'' and this time, exclusively using open source tools and frameworks : Flex, FlexUnit, Flex Annotations, BlazeDS, Flex-Spring-Contrib, Spring, Hibernate JPA, DBUnit, JUnit (all build, package and deploy with maven through the use of flex-mojos and the fna archetypes)

  • I’ll also do a session on ``Agile Testing of Enterprise RIAs with Flex and LiveCycle ES'': I’ll be giving advice, tips, trips, and techniques on how to apply Agile (i.e. efficient and pragmatic) strategy to (unit) test your Flex and your LiveCycle ES projects.

Chances are, I’ll also present fna at the local Java User Group in Milan on Tuesday night (as Marcello invited me to).