I had the chance to present at the Riveria JUG on Friday, I had one hour to cover a lot of materials. We discussed the Adobe Flash/Flex/AIR/RIA Enterprise Solutions, I also quickly demonstrated Flash Catalyst.

I also took a few minutes to demonstrate the latest spring-flex release through a simple CRUD application named spring-flex-todo. (Beware, the client side is not production ready)

I published this demo source code within the fna V2 project, under a LGPL V3 license :

You’ll see how elegant and easy is the Spring-Flex remoting integration; here is for example how I set up a TodoItem CRUD Flex Remoting service

package com.adobe.ac.samples.service.impl;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.flex.remoting.RemotingDestination;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import com.adobe.ac.samples.dao.TodoItemDaoJpa;

import com.adobe.ac.samples.model.TodoItem;
import com.adobe.ac.samples.service.TodoService;

@RemotingDestination(channels = { "channel-amf" })
public class TodoServiceImpl extends GenericManagerImplInteger>

    implements TodoService {

    public TodoServiceImpl(TodoItemDaoJpa todoItemDao) {


Here are the slides associated with this demo: The Spring of Flex Remoting :

For those of you who don’t like maven and would like to give this a try, I will provide a ANT version of the build as soon as one of you sends it to me. What I except from any build is to :

  • be managing Dependencies

  • run the XUnit-Test

  • generate documentation and quality reports

So if you have a such Java/Flex ANT build, please contribute to fna V2.

If you live near by Nice and Sophia, lucky you, be sure to check out the next Riveria JUG events.